FAQ: ABA TECHSHOW 2016 App Questions

Q: How can I see a schedule of ABA TECHSHOW 2016 events?

A: Visit www.techshow.com/schedule or at http://abatechshow2016.sched.org

Q: Is there an app?

A: Yes. Get it here (http://abatechshow2016.sched.org)

Q: On which platforms does the app work?

A: All of them!

  • The browser and mobile site (http://abatechshow2016.sched.org) work on any machine or mobile device with a browser (such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  • There is a native Android app in the Google Play store.
  • There is a native iOS app optimized for iPhone

The best, most feature rich experience can be had through http://abatechshow2016.sched.org

Q: Do I need a login to use the app?

A: No. The app lists the ABA TECHSHOW 2016 schedule, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors.

Q: How do I get a login?

A:  Login instructions were emailed to pre-registered full conference/one day pass attendees from “ABA TECHSHOW 2016/Notifications@sched.org” with the subject line “We added you to the Directory for the ABA TECHSHOW”.  If you did not receive this email go to https://abatechshow2016.sched.org/password-reset and enter the email address that you used to register as your username to receive instructions to set a password.

Onsite registrants (full conference and one day pass) will receive an invitation to create a password shortly after registering.

Q: What does a login provide?

A:  A login allows you to create a personalized ABA TECHSHOW conference schedule which you can add to your personal calendar, grants you access to session materials and allows you to create a profile to engage with other attendees. In addition, you’ll get a daily email message that summarizes the scheduled you plan to attend.

Q: How do I access session materials?

A: Session materials are available for each session. Follow these instructions:

  1. Open the TS Conference app on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Log in.
  3. Open the session for which you’d like materials.
  4. Click on the link to the .pdf file to view and download the materials

Q: Can I make my profile and session attendance private?

A: Sure! Log in and:

  1. Go to your account settings.
  2. Click “Change your username, password and privacy settings?”
  3. Check the box for “Privacy” and click “Save Settings.”

For help and screenshots go to:


Q: How do I learn more about the Apps Features?

A: Take a tour or see detailed help guides at https://abatechshow2016.sched.org/help