Preview the tracks below to see what sessions you can expect to see at TECHSHOW this year.
Lawyers are at high risk for anxiety, depression, suicide, substance use disorder, and addiction. The demands of the profession can lead to burnout. How can lawyers manage stress and avoid these pitfalls? Is technology a help or a hindrance – or both? Explore the challenges and get tips for moving toward wellness and well-being.
Technology and client expectations are driving changes in the way we practice law. Are you responding to these changes? In order to sustain and grow, we must reconsider how we provide legal services. Consider implementing alternative law firm models, offering unconventional services, ditching the billable hour, and becoming more intentional within your firm.
In this track, we take a moment to focus on the human side of technology – some of the core human skills that technology cannot replace but will help augment. We will share processes and tools for hiring (and firing), negotiation tactics, tips for managing difficult personalities, ideas for challenging bias and cultivating diverse work environments, and ways to improve your public speaking.
Having information is only half the battle. Understanding what information is collected, its relevance, and how it can be presented in a format that provides an intuitive understanding of the big picture and how the bits of data relate to it, and to each other, is the second half. Finding the tools and learning their use (and misuse) will equip the practitioner with the tools needed to understand their practice and their clients.
Threat, tool, savior, mirror: these are the accolades and accusations made about AI in the legal profession. Explore the AI horizon with these tantalizing possibilities. AI is a threat to the profession when it can make better judgments than lawyers – can it? AI as a tool promises a more welcome development, helping attorneys work better. AI as a savior hails from the possibility that the access to justice gap can be bridged with this technology. And AI as a mirror of society is evident in problems with bias, where the outputs are only as good as the inputs. All roads, it seems, lead to AI.
Learn how to use your tech to create documents in a snap, erase pain points for your coworkers, and build the best customer experience for your clients. All with tools you already have or can easily obtain.
How to use technology to build relationships and attract new clients. Whether you call it marketing, client development, or client attraction, getting your next clients is essential to a thriving law practice. While relationships and reputation remain cornerstones of new client development, technology is radically changing how we can create, nurture, and solidify relationships and spread the word of our reputations. Learn the processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for clients. Learn how to use technology to be where your next clients are looking for you.
One of the best opportunities lawyers have to outperform their competition is to design a better client experience. Technology can deliver that better experience by making your firm easy to work with. In this track, we look at how attorneys are using tools and systems to better serve their clients. We will cover DIY design-thinking approaches, strategies for making your firm more smartphone friendly, ideas for using videos to attract and work with clients, and how to provide legal services to people who don’t use technology.
Just for trial lawyers, this popular track enhances your skills in the areas where you need it most: investigating a file, running a tech-fueled trial, presenting evidence with the most effective fireworks, and an up-to-date look at online dispute resolution. Experienced lawyers will walk you through the nuts and bolts of how they do it so you can return as an even more powerful tech-savvy attorney.
One of the core technology competencies for attorneys is the understanding of data security and the potential threats from inside and outside of practice. Another is the duty to supervise external providers to ensure that a professional standard of care is maintained. Let our experts educate you on what has gone wrong for others, how it was remediated, and how to prevent it from happening to your practice and your clients’ business.
Core Concepts seeks to inform attendees on fundamental technologies and systems that lawyers are or should be using in their practices to remain secure and competitive while meeting their regulatory and ethical obligations to clients. Sessions will focus on production technologies, security and privacy protection, practice management and efficiency solutions and information management as well as APP solutions. Fundamental risks to practice systems will be discussed along with business continuity preparations that lawyers should consider to protect their practices.
Learn from forward-thinking educators about how to address some of today’s most pressing challenges in the legal field, such as the lack of diversity, and how to prepare for the future of law practice (think virtual reality and blockchain). Find out how legal education has and continues to adapt to modern practice and how it can inform the future of the profession.
Participant-driven conversations about law practice and technology. Participate in an ‘unconference’ emphasizing connections and conversations driven by the audience sharing what they know works. Make new connections. Grow your network. Share with leaders in law practice and legal technology in a variety of collaborative formats. Identify, discuss, and solve the issues most important to your practice.
Put what you’ve learned into practice. Get hands-on with tools like Microsoft Word, create a plan for well-being, leverage your social media and online tools for greater exposure, and delve into how to understand your client’s needs to provide excellent service.