New from Legal Talk Today | Legal marketing expert Gyi Tsakalakis offers advice about what law firms should be doing right now to market and grow their practices.
Legal marketing expert, founder of Attorney Sync, and host of Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Gyi Tsakalakis offers advice about what law firms should be doing right now to market and grow their businesses during the COVID-19 shutdowns. Stay tuned for some ancient wisdom about everyday life.
Listen to the full podcast here.
Gyi Tsakalakis, AttorneySync
Gyi Tsakalakis co-founded AttorneySync, a digital legal marketing agency, to help lawyers put their best foot forward online because that’s where clients are looking. He currently is co-chair of the ABA Law Practice Division’s client development committee and is a member of the ABA Techshow 2020-21 Board.