
Iffy Ibekwe

Ibekwe Law, PLLC

Iffy is the principal attorney and founder of Ibekwe Law, PLLC. She believes that women deserve to make decisions that affect them with wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents. Emboldening women is Iffy’s calling, and she’s also loves speaking about entrepreneurship and supporting other women lawyers.

Iffy is a double Longhorn who graduated from The University of Texas at Austin (undergrad and law school). She’s practiced law for over 14 years. Iffy is passionate about racial justice and reconciliation and is the current national board president for Be the Bridge, a national nonprofit that empowers people toward racial healing, equity, and inclusion.

Iffy enjoys spending time with her remarkable husband and four spirited children. As an avid lover of books, she runs a fantastic book club, We Read Her, which focuses on books authored by women of color.

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