Title: Social Media as a Sword and a Shield in Today’s Litigation Battles
Speaker: Mark Hindelang, Mark Rosch, Courtney Ward Reichard
Date: Friday, April 17
Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Track: Litigation/e-Discovery
Topic Level: Intermediate
Social media has revolutionized the way we stay in touch with old friends, keep family up to date, and let colleagues know what we ate for dinner. The widespread use of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and others present exciting opportunities (and harrowing concerns!) for lawyers and their clients. Our panelists will discuss the e-discovery implications of social media, starting with how to properly collect and preserve the information. They’ll also discuss how to ethically use social media, both as a sword and a shield, at all stages of litigation, from intake through discovery, through trial preparation and jury selection.