Title: Who Says There’s Little Creativity in the Legal Profession?
Speaker: Barbara Leach, Patrice Perkins
Date: Friday, March 17, 2017
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Track: Innovative Lawyers
Attendee Profile: Everyone

Every lawyer wants to differentiate themselves in today’s crowded legal field – and every lawyer wants to do it in an ethical, favorable and memorable way. But can lawyers stake out unique market areas that resonate so with target clients while meetings those goals and standing out? The answer is a definitive yes! While there’s no shortage of informational and inspirational content available to get those creative juices flowing, sometimes you just need to hear it from the real deal. Attend this session to learn about a lawyer who melted her personal interests and passions with the work she loves to do in a very creative way.