40 Tech Tips in 40 Years


This year marks the 40th anniversary of TECHSHOW, a milestone that we are celebrating with special events including the presentation 40 Tech Tips in 40 Years. This session promises to be a fun yet practical look at the evolution of legal technology through the eyes of past TECHSHOW conference chairs.

The 40 Tech Tips in 40 Years session uses the famous 60 tips in 60 minutes format to look back at the evolution of legal technology over the past 40 years. It will take place right before the annual “60 Tips in 60 Minutes” session on Saturday morning, the last day of the conference. This one-hour session will feature over a dozen past TECHSHOW chairs sharing their favorite tech tips from the past four decades. These tips will provide historical context and offer practical advice that remains relevant today. For example, we will review the evolution of speech recognition technology, comparing the early days of Dragon Naturally Speaking to the advanced capabilities of Siri, Alexa, and others today. We’ll compare the revolutionary HP Capshare portable scanner of 2000 with today’s best mobile phone scanning apps.
