Taking credit cards and online payments make it easy for your clients to pay you. However, payment apps like Venmo, PayPal, and Zelle are convenient but pose ethical traps for unwary lawyers. What about point-of-sale apps like Square, Clover, and Swipe? Have you ever considered Apple Pay or Google Pay? Don’t let payment apps undermine client confidentiality or mishandle retainers or trust monies. This presentation navigates tricky issues like privacy, commingling, fees, and chargebacks. Learn best practices for safely integrating payment apps in your firm. Discover smarter alternatives tailored for legal payments. You’ll gain practical guidance on using payment apps within the bounds of ethics rules – or when it’s safer to avoid them. We will discuss safekeeping property under ABA Model Rule 1.15 Safekeeping Property and ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 505, May 3, 2023.