Aquino Trial Services
Alicia Aquino is the CEO and Trial Technology Consultant with Aquino Trial Services. Alicia is well-versed in legal project management, mock trials, graphics and presentation of evidence. Her passion for helping others is demonstrated through her work, empowering women, fostered youth and the LGBTQ+ community. Alicia is a community leader and very active within San Diego County; she currently serves as a Board Member on the Tom Homann LGBTQ Law Association Foundation, Committee Member of the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center and co-chair of the ABA Women of Legal Tech Summit. She is also a member and sits on various committees with the Lawyers Club of San Diego, the American Society of Trial Consultants and Women in e-Discovery (San Diego Chapter). Most notably, she is a founding advisory board member of the Online Courtroom Project and co-author of The Online Courtroom: Leveraging Remote Technology in Litigation, published by the American Bar Association. She has presented to several legal associations from Coast to Coast on trial preparation, trial presentation and best practices for trial and remote court proceedings.
When COVID-19 ravished the globe and sent the legal world into a frenzy, tech-savvy legal professionals were able to lead their peers in meaningful adaptations and adjustments. As AI challenges notions of what the future of law looks like, tech-savy legal professionals are again leading the way when it comes to navigating these uncharted terrains. […]
Going to trial doesn’t have to be stressful. With the proper preparation and organization, it can be seamless. Join us at ABA TECHSHOW to learn how to utilize technology and other tips to create your pre-trial documents, trial binders and everything in between. We will also discuss the various roles and tasks of a trial […]