
Tim O’Brien

Eighty 20 Partners

Tim O’Brien is the Founder and Managing Principal of Eighty 20 Partners, a company that advises small law firms and legal tech start-ups on management strategies. With decades of experience across a variety of sectors, including big and small law firms, government, non-profit, and global legal services providers, Tim is able to see varying perspectives and adapt his approach based on an organization’s unique needs. He particularly enjoys working with lawyers in small law firms, getting them to embrace strategic changes that relieve their administrative load and increase their productivity and profitability.

He has advised varying types and sizes of organizations from Fortune 500 companies to solo law firms on the most direct pathways to create and reimagine end-to-end processes that realign execution with organizational goals and refocus teams on more strategic or revenue-generating activities. Tim has a BS in Business Administration from Marquette University, a JD from University of Illinois at Chicago Law School, and an MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He lives outside Chicago with his wife and three sons.

My Sessions

Giving Yourself a Firm Foundation: Maximize Your Productivity Through Design Thinking and Lean Principles

Grand GH

Successful law firms usually take a client-centric approach, which can ensure greater client satisfaction but can sometimes take a toll on the firm’s productivity or profitability, especially for clients with a flat fee arrangement. Using design thinking and lean principles, your firm can map out, establish, and implement new process strategies that will maximize your […]

Client Experience LPM

People, Process, Technology: The Triumvirate For Your Software Success!

Grand GH

The availability of legal technology solutions has the potential to overhaul your firm’s productivity, but technology will not cure all that ails your firm by simply plugging it into your system. To maximize your software investment and increase the likelihood of successful implementation, your firm needs to review and revamp your internal processes that surround […]

Legal Ops LPM Management