McGuire, Wood & Bissette, PA
Tom Grella is a Past Chair of the Management Committee of McGuire, Wood & Bissette, P.A., in Asheville, NC. He has a JD from Wake Forest University Law School and has been licensed since 1985. He is a past Chair of the ABA Law Practice Division, and presently sits on its Executive Committee. Grella has served in many positions within the Division, including a member of its Council, a member of its Publications Board, Chair of its Diversity Committee, Chair of its Task Force on the Evolving Business Model of Law Firms, and Chair of ABA Lead Law. Grella co-authored The Lawyer’s Guide to Strategic Planning in 2005, and is author of the 2013 Lessons in Leadership: Essential Skills for Lawyers, both publications of the ABA Law Practice Division. He is an ABA Law Practice Division Delegate serving his 4th term. He serves as a member of the ABA Day Planning Committee. He is currently on the Law Practice Magazine Board, is a past Columns Editor, and is author of its Managing column. Tom was the 2012 recipient of the Sam Smith Award, presented annually by the ABA Law Practice Division to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in law practice management. He is a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management. North Carolina Lawyers Weekly awarded Grella with a 2014 Leaders in the Law Award. He is a frequent speaker on strategic planning, law firm leadership and management, and the future of the profession. His practice focuses on business transactions.